
Friday, January 21, 2011

WCL92; Moonlight Seas

This...I'm pretty proud of, although my art class shut down. (Yes, I painted it there)


  1. Oh my gosh THATS AMAZING!!!!! Oh I wish could paint like that all my paintings are a fail

  2. I agree with Sunshine! I can only draw, even though I named this blog "Paint the Rain" lol

    It's so beautiful! =D

  3. Thats beautiful! I also lack talent in the painting buisness, though I consider myself a good drawer.

  4. Yeah, it DOES look awesome! Good job :)

  5. Oh my cheese I wish I could paint AN EIGHT of how well that painting is. It looks so real...that's totally epic sauce!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. That's so beautiful!

    Wow, I'm with the guys up top. Painting isn't me... I'm an artist with a pencil.

    To tell all of you the truth, the cats I draw on the computer aren't nearly as good as the ones I draw by hand. The problem is I don't have any plain white paper at the moment :( Though the basic outline is about the same.
