
Sunday, February 6, 2011

*Sigh* My Scanner is a Terrible Thing

I'm very sorry to inform you that my terrible scanner just doesn't work.  Until we get a new one, I won't be posting.  GRRRR!  I'm soooooooooooooooooooooo frustrated.

Well, bye.


  1. Well at least you have a scanner I have to take pictures of my wor then upload them onto the computer.

  2. Aww :( Well, I gotta be less lazy and post more of my work XD

  3. Actually, I just discovered something WONDERFUL! My camera is even better than my scanner. As much as I wish I could use it, my camera detects pencils (my scanner only detected thick, solid colors) and it makes things really bright and wonderful! I drew an awesome picture-I'll post it soon. :D
